How to Open Bubbly: #champagneskills with Jason Malumed

In preparation for this month’s soirée with the elegant Bela Shehu, we spent an evening at HyLo with our dear friend and wine connoisseur Jason Malumed. A sales rep for Majestic Wine and Spirits and Philly man-about-town, Jason really knows his stuff.  He sat us down, popped some bottles, and patiently cultivated our champagne savvy.

Watch Jason show us the good, better, and best way to open a bottle of bubbly, with a special saber finale that will leave you thirsty for more!

Disclaimer: You can take a lesson from the swordsman himself…but please don’t try this at home. Visit us instead this Tuesday, May 8 for our monthly shopping event with NINObrand.

Sartorial splendor and #champagneskills go hand-in-hand.

Second Tuesdays with Bela Shehu of NINObrand
6-9 pm at HyLo Boutiques
333 S. 20th Street | Philadelphia, PA